
Abstract Writing Help for Dissertations and Theses

How to Write a Dissertation Abstract: A Step-by-Step Guide

A dissertation is a scholarly document written by a doctoral student in partial fulfillment of an academic degree that demonstrates the author's original research and findings. The general dissertation layout includes the title, abstract, table of contents, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. If you are looking for expert dissertation writers, our professionals conduct comprehensive research and compile an exceptional document guaranteed for approval by your supervisors.

Our company is devoted to offering abstract writing services for dissertations and capstone projects. Our writers help you write an abstract that succinctly summarizes your dissertation or capstone project without exaggerating or adding information that is not in the project. We possess the necessary skills to synthesize information to fit a given word count without leaving out essential details. Our writers pay attention to detail when writing your abstract to make sure it is a perfect representation of your entire paper.

This post contains a discussion of the summary that appears at the beginning of the dissertation, the abstract. This article is a guide to the purpose of this section, its structure, and an example for reference.

Dissertation Abstract

What is a Dissertation Abstract?

The dissertation abstract is a brief, detailed summary of the key takeaways of your paper. Its length varies according to institution requirements, but it should not exceed 250 words. The abstract section of your dissertation is written by describing the research problem, the purpose of the study, methodology, key findings, conclusions or implications. The abstract also contains approximately 3-5 keywords at the bottom.

An abstract can take a different approach and writing style depending on whether it is descriptive or informative. Our writers are efficient at writing both types, depending on your aim. A descriptive abstract, just like the name suggests, describes the contents of your capstone or dissertation. It is short and only introduces subjects to readers, leaving out any judgments, results, or conclusions about your study. This type of abstract is efficient in enticing the reader to read your paper so as to learn the results of the subjects introduced to them.

The other type of abstract is the informative abstract. It contains the information found in a descriptive abstract as well as the results and recommendations. It highlights all the essential points of your dissertation, including scope, purpose, methods, and results. This abstract, just like the descriptive abstract, does not critique the quality of your work. When you order our abstract writing services for dissertation and capstone projects, we determine the type of abstract to write if your college has not already specified.

Qualities of a Good Dissertation Abstract

  • A good abstract is accurate. It should precisely reflect the purpose and the main content of the dissertation.
  • The abstract is coherent and readable. Use the present tense to illustrate the conclusions made and the past tense to demonstrate the outcomes measured.
  • An exceptional abstract is non-analytical. It reports rather than commenting on the content of the dissertation.
  • The dissertation abstract is concise. Begin this section with the most important information; each sentence should be brief and informative.

Purpose of a Dissertation Abstract

  • Databases and search engines use the keywords in the dissertation abstract to index the document in sites like Google Scholar to make it accessible to other students and researchers.
  • The dissertation abstract gives the reader an overview of the main content of your document. It gives the reader a summary of the paper for them to evaluate the credibility of the script.
  • The readers can evaluate the credibility of the study and assess whether the conclusions made are evidence-based because the abstract highlights the methodologies used for data collection.

Steps in Writing an Effective Abstract for a Dissertation/Capstone

The main parts of an abstract are an introductory statement, the aim of the project, the methods used, the primary results, and the main conclusions/recommendations. If the abstract is for the proposal, then the findings and conclusions parts are not included. Our writers first clearly inform the reader of the purpose of your topic and the impact your results will have if you successfully complete the study. If you intend to advance knowledge in a particular practice, our writers then start with a problem statement. We ensure that your abstract clearly defines the problem and the scope of your study.

Our abstract writing help for dissertation and capstone projects also includes explicitly informing the reader on the approaches you took to address the problem. We highlight the materials that were critical to the success of the study. Depending on the type of abstract, our writers will help you discuss the results of your research. We are careful about the word choice used to present the results to avoid being vague or expressing uncertainty. Your results are, therefore, presented with precision. Our writers also help you deduce the changes that should be implemented to improve practice.

Structure of a Dissertation Abstract

(1). The research problem

The research problem is the knowledge gap that the student identified in the context of either a practical or theoretical approach and wants to fill it. If possible, it should be limited to one sentence consisting of the hypothesis, research question, or theory under research.

(2). Methodology

The methodology is a comprehensive explanation of how the research was conducted. Our professional writers specify the participants involved in the study and the data sources. Important features of the methodology included in an abstract are; the research design, procedures for data collection, analytic strategy, equipment used, and methods for determining the sample size, are also included in this section.

(3). Results

The presentation of results depends on the methodological approach used to conduct research. If the study used qualitative methods, then the findings should be put in the context of the research setting, and if it was qualitative, highlight the effect sizes, confidence intervals, and statistical significance intervals. Report the main findings.

(4). Conclusions and implications

Our expert writers finalize the dissertation abstract with the conclusions made from conducting the research, what the results mean to other researchers, and the contribution to the field of study.

(5). Keywords

Keywords are phrases that assist researchers in using databases and search engines to find information on your research topic. They are usually placed a few lines below the abstract and are about 3-5 words. Additionally, the keywords should be italicized and indented 0.5 inches.

Dissertation Abstract Example

Research topic: The impact of COVID-19 on the mental wellbeing of healthcare workers

Healthcare practitioners have been shown to have experienced severe mental health issues during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the extreme workloads, safety concerns, and being quarantined. The study explored the effects of the epidemic on the mental wellness of healthcare workers, aiming to identify the outcome of dealing with a massive amount of patients infected with the deadly disease and having minimal to no resting hours. The research aims to discover the primary factors that have led to depression and stress in doctors and nurses and the measures that can be taken to mitigate it. The study used a qualitative approach using in-depth interviews and focus groups to get data on the personal experiences of each of the 15 medical practitioners to gain familiarity with their personal experiences and how they adjusted to the situation. Narrative analysis was then used to gain an understanding of each individual's experience. Results revealed a surge in the decline in mental wellness in healthcare providers due to the pressure in the hospitals. The study findings demonstrate the significance of mental health counseling for individuals in the healthcare field to improve their mental wellness. The research contributes to the field of research by highlighting the problems undergone by healthcare workers in the field.

Keywords: Health, Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare workers, depression

Hire a Dissertation Abstract Writer Online

Given that a dissertation involves extensive research and content, narrowing the text down to a word limit of about 250 words can be a complicated task, especially for beginner dissertation writers. One can choose to get dissertation abstract writing help from dissertation writing companies. These professionals often have extensive experience writing university papers and delivering quality documents. No matter the complexity of the topic, they summarize the content precisely and concisely, capturing the key areas of the dissertation.

Qualities of our Abstract Writing Services 

Our writers ensure that your abstract does not contain any jargon or technical words that may not be understood. An abstract that is not understandable will not entice any reader to read your project. We ensure that your abstract contains the same language and writing style used in your project. We also guarantee that your abstract will meet the required word count. When you order abstract writing services for your capstone projects, dissertation, thesis, or research papers, our writers ensure that your abstract demonstrates higher-order thinking skills by using concise and clear language as well as crucial texts and phrases that put your work into context.

Dissertation Abstract Writers

Why Get Abstract Dissertation Writing Help from Our Company?

  • Writing an abstract requires filtering the most important key takeaways of your extensive research to come up with an informative summary. Our expert writers have vast experience compiling dissertations for students and hence write a detailed abstract assured of approval by your supervisors.
  • All academic institutions have specific writing and formatting guidelines that must be followed when writing dissertations. Our professionals are familiar with all the university guidelines and formatting styles (APA, MLA, Chicago); therefore, we deliver a quality document that adheres to the required academic standards.
  • Our company carefully picks the writers to be advanced degree holders with PhD and Masters certificates. These professionals have the academic skills and experience to clearly present the main ideas of your dissertation in the abstract delivering a quality detailed summary fit for approval.
  • Our company offers customized services depending on your dissertation writing needs. Besides abstract writing, our professionals offer personalized services such as help with data analysis, dissertation writing, editing and proofreading, and so much more, depending on your request.


A dissertation abstract is a synopsis of the main arguments presented in the scholarly document of original research. The institution specifies the number of words of the summary but it should not exceed 250 words, depending on the complexity of your research topic. The key areas that should be presented in this section are the research problem, methodology, study findings, and conclusions made. Immediately after the abstract, 3-5 keywords are included, which are used by researchers to find the dissertation online.

The abstract is one of the important parts of your dissertation since most readers evaluate the document's credibility based on it. Hiring a professional dissertation abstract writer assures you of timely delivery without compromising on quality. Get customized solutions from the best online dissertation writing company. Our professionals are readily available around the clock to handle your request! Follow our order process page today to get help from experts, or join our live chat to ask our customer support team any lingering questions about this service.

Professional Academic Writers