Professional Thesis Writing Services | Masters | Doctoral
PhD Thesis Writing Help
A thesis is a scholarly manuscript in which the student addresses a particular problem in their chosen field of research. It must be an original piece of work because it represents the student's research and writing abilities. In case you need help writing a thesis, our online thesis writers offer customized writing services such as conducting research, compiling your paper, formatting, editing, and proofreading your thesis.
Completing a thesis shows your ability to conduct an original investigation, review existing literature, collect and analyze data, report the findings, discuss the conclusions, and draw implications from your findings.
In this post, we give a comprehensive overview of the benefits of writing a thesis, how to distinguish a dissertation and a thesis, the writing process, thesis writing tips for an exceptional document, and how to structure the paper.
How Long Should A Thesis Be?
The length of the thesis depends on a variety of factors, such as the formatting style and the discipline of research. Each discipline and institution has slightly different specifications and requirements for writing a thesis. It is crucial for you to know what the requirements are for the length, components, and format for structuring your document.
Benefits of Writing a Thesis
The skills you acquire in the thesis writing process will benefit you career-wise. Learning how to collect and analyze data to support an argument and communicate through scholarly writing enables you to gain expertise that you can apply in your profession.
The thesis writing experience provides you with an opportunity to interact with an expert in your discipline for mentorship and guidance. This detailed advice pushes you to a higher level of thinking and writing. Additionally, they can be a great reference for your next graduate school application or internship.
What is the Difference Between a Dissertation and a Thesis?
A dissertation is an academic paper produced by a student to demonstrate their ability to conduct research and an understanding of the field and to be awarded a doctoral degree. These two terms are often used interchangeably but have a significant difference. Below is a table highlighting the major differences between the thesis and the dissertation:
Hire the Best Thesis Writing Service
Our thesis writing experts have years of experience drafting and compiling a thesis for graduate students all over the globe. They have extensive knowledge of all the common academic styles used by institutions and deliver 100% human-written work with no AI assistance. We offer the best thesis writing services, delivering your document on time and ensuring quality. In this section, we discuss the process we follow when writing a thesis, the thesis writing format, and tips to help you compile an exceptional paper.
How to Write a Thesis
Step 1: Choosing the Topic
The topic that you choose should be relevant to your discipline. There are four key factors you can consider when selecting your subject and they are 1.) Personal significance 2.) Existing literature 3.) Critical issues in the field 4.) Ethical considerations. You can get topic ideas from search engines or electronic databases.
Step 2: Conducting Research
You can use either primary or secondary sources to conduct research. Primary sources are firsthand information reported by researchers, for example, articles and monographs. Secondary sources summarize the work of other researchers and are not as descriptive as the former. Examples are such as encyclopedias and dictionaries.
Step 3: Drafting a Work Plan
After conducting your research, you can now draft a work plan of how you are going to write the thesis using index cards. Begin by making a table of contents that will outline the main sections or chapters and their corresponding page numbers using dot leaders. The work plan should consist of the title, table of contents, the list of tables and figures, the major chapters, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion, appendices, and references.
Step 4: Writing the Thesis
You can now write the thesis following the outline drafted in the previous step. It should have a smooth flow of ideas from the abstract down to the references. The thesis should be properly formatted following the institution's guidelines.
Step 5: Compiling the Final Draft
Finalize the thesis writing process by getting rid of errors to refine the final draft. Proofread for spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors. Also, check whether the guidelines of the formatting style have been applied consistently.
Thesis Writing Format
(1). Thesis Abstract
The abstract is a summary and preview of the information in the thesis. It helps the reader to understand the contents of your paper. It covers the key parts of the document, such as the background, purpose, methods, results, and conclusions.
(2). Thesis Introduction
The introduction chapter contains a presentation of the topic of the thesis to the reader. It includes a section on the statement of the problem, background literature related to the issue under research, the purpose of the study, and research questions.
(3). Thesis Literature Review
In the second chapter of the thesis, the literature review, the author introduces the reader to existing relevant published works related to your study. It justifies the reason for conducting research and gives the study credibility. To write a thesis literature review chapter, begin with an introduction of the general problem and your topic, then provide an outline of what will be addressed in the chapter.
(4). Thesis Methodology
In the methodology chapter, the writer describes the research methods and design that were used to conduct the research. It describes in detail the procedures used to conduct the study. This section also consists of the setting where the study took place, the participants involved and how they were selected, materials used to conduct the study, data collection tools, procedures followed for collecting data, and the statistical methods used to analyze data. The introduction, literature review, and the methodology sections usually make the thesis proposal. Once the proposal is approved, we continue to write the results, discussion, and conclusion sections.
(5). Thesis Results
The results chapter contains a report of the findings of the thesis data analysis process discussed in the methodology chapter. It integrates a narrative, tabular, or numerical presentation of the outcomes of the study depending on the methods used to conduct research. A report of the analysis for each variable, participant, and measurement instrument mentioned in the methodology chapter is discussed in the thesis results and findings section.
(6). Thesis Discussion
The discussion chapter contains an explanation of the results from the previous chapter in relation to the statement problem and the research questions highlighted in the first chapter. It includes the researcher's interpretation of the results. This chapter also gives the limitations and recommendations for future research.
(7). Thesis Conclusion
The conclusion is a summary of the key areas of your thesis. Begin by identifying at least three conclusions based on the findings of the research. Proceed by explaining significant discoveries made as a result of the research.
(8). References and Appendices
The references are a list of sources used to gain information for the thesis. The appendices are a section that contains supplementary information that is too detailed to be included in the main body, such as interview transcripts or questionnaire forms.
Thesis Writing Tips
- All concepts should be unambiguously defined before applying them. The reader should understand the indefinite terms used in your thesis for a smooth flow of ideas. Vague words can frustrate the supervisor, leading to disapproval of your paper.
- Always distinguish facts and opinions. Find appropriate methods of demonstrating what you have learned to reveal your level of understanding. You should convince the reader that your work is correct and you understand it.
- Represent the visuals. Whether you are using a graph or table to present analysis results, you need to clarify what you are aiming to achieve with it. Name your tables and label your axis for easy understanding to the reader.
Why Get PhD Thesis Writing Help From Our Company?
- Our company assigns subject matter experts who possess doctorate and postgraduate degrees and have extensive experience in composing PhD thesis for students in different fields of research.
- Our thesis writing experts work within your designated time frame and deliver your thesis on time. You don't have to worry about tight deadlines when choosing our services. We offer timely delivery without compromising on quality.
- Our PhD thesis writing services give free plagiarism reports to assure our clients of original content written from scratch by our expert writers.
A thesis is a document of original work by a student done as part of a graduate program. The structure of a thesis includes the abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. A thesis demonstrates the student's ability to conduct original research and contribute to the field of study.
To save the time and resources used to conduct an investigation about your research topic, get thesis writing assistance from our expert writers. Hire the best writers from our company today for help with academic writing. In case you need your work to be revised, we offer free unlimited revision to your satisfaction.
We also have an excellent and sociable customer service team to keep you updated on the progress of your thesis as well as respond to your inquiries or clarifications. We also ensure your thesis is reviewed by our expert editors to ensure no spelling, typos, grammatical, or sentence structuring errors on the final thesis. Contact us today to make inquiries or chat with one of our agents on our live chat.
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