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Help to Write a Psychology Dissertation
For psychology students seeking help with their dissertations, our company has experts who provide outstanding writing, editing, and data analysis (qualitative and quantitative) services. You can buy a psychology dissertation from a professional and have it written from scratch based on your topic/title.
A psychology dissertation is an academic document based on empirical research that adds knowledge to the field of study and usually done to meet graduation requirements. The major sections of a dissertation are the introduction, the literature review, methodology, results, discussion of the results, conclusion, and recommendations from the findings.
A psychology dissertation can be qualitative, quantitative, or a mixed methods dissertation. A qualitative dissertation involves the description of human experience in written form while quantitative dissertations demonstrate relationships between two or more variables using numerical evidence. A quantitative dissertation aims at proving a specific hypothesis, comparing populations, and evaluating interventions in a research study. A mixed-method psychology dissertation incorporates both the quantitative and qualitative approaches in the research study. Our company has well equipped academic writers who are skilled to offer the best psychology dissertation writing services. Our services are available twenty-four hours a day to ensure you access our help at any time and without delay.
Research Topic, Research Questions, and Hypotheses
When developing a topic for your psychology dissertation, first identify a gap in a general area of interest in which you can conduct research. Then brainstorm to come up with more ideas related to your area of interest. Explore existing literature from other researchers concerning the gap and gather more ideas. Finally, narrow down your ideas to come up with the most suitable topic. When choosing your research topic, you should consider your qualifications as a researcher, the time it will take to conduct the research, and the costs the research is likely to incur. The research topic should be in an area you understand, an area of interest to you, and should be achievable. Your topic should be precise and about twelve words. You then gain the approval of the research topic from your supervisor and develop a committee that will help you in case of any consultations.
Once you have developed the research topic, formulate the research questions and research hypotheses. The research questions involve first developing a main or central question from the research topic to inquire about the relationships among the variables that you are seeking to study. Once you have formulated the central research question, you then come up with sub-questions to narrow the focus further. The research questions should include one or two central questions and about five sub-questions. When writing the research questions, ensure that; the phrases are questions, the questions suggest a relationship to be examined, and the questions imply the possibility of empirical testing.
The research hypotheses involve predictions about expected relationships among variables in a research study sample. You can derive the research hypotheses from the research problem and other cases from the literature review and conceptual framework. The research hypotheses should be testable to help you draw inferences about the population you are studying.
Theoretical Framework and Literature Review
A psychology dissertation is empirical and not conceptual hence, it is important to understand the main theories within your area of study. The theoretical framework supports the research problem and the purpose of the study, and also forms the basis for the literature review, the methods, and analysis processes of the dissertation. For a quantitative psychology dissertation, the theoretical framework is developed before data collection though in some cases it could be developed in the course of the dissertation. Contrarily, the theoretical framework for qualitative research designs mostly emerges in the data analysis stage. The mixed-method designs could develop the theory before data collection or during data analysis depending on your preference.
A literature review involves finding existing information from other existing published sources around your area of interest. Analyze the contributions of the various sources for your research study in every section of your dissertation. In qualitative research, you use literature in line with your assumptions because your study is mostly aimed at exploring new ideas or solutions. In a quantitative study, you conduct a literature review to provide direction for the research question and hypotheses and to introduce the problem and the theory used in the research study. In a mixed-methods psychology dissertation, you use either a qualitative or quantitative approach to the literature depending on the type of strategy you choose. If you buy psychology dissertation writing services, you will enjoy the privilege of an expert writer who will save your time, energy, and multiple revisions from your supervisor.
Research Design and Sampling
Describe the research design and the methods you intend to apply for your psychology dissertation and the research setting where you will collect your data. The research design could take the qualitative approach, the quantitative approach, or the mixed-method approach.
In qualitative research, you can combine different forms of data from different resources and use the findings to draw generalization of the area of study. Non-probability sampling designs are used to randomly select a sample based on your judgment of who could provide the best information. Examples of non-probability sampling designs are snowball sampling, purposive sampling, judgmental sampling, among others.
In the case of a quantitative psychology dissertation, you can study large groups of people and make generalizations from the sample of study to other groups beyond the sample. To select a sample to study in your quantitative dissertation, you need to first identify the population from which you intend to collect your research data and use a quantitative sampling design to select a sample.
Indicate the exact numbers you will consider in selecting the sample and then determine the sample size and select the sample. You should also describe the research instrument you intend to use to collect the research data. Indicate the established validity and reliability of scores on any existing instruments, the individuals who developed them, and the permissions you need to use those instruments.
A mixed-method psychology dissertation will involve both qualitative and quantitative methods of sampling sequentially or concurrently depending on the design of your research study.
Data Collection
Identify the type of data you want to collect for your psychology dissertation while indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the specific data collection method that you will choose. There are various methods of collecting data in a qualitative psychology dissertation including observation, unstructured interviews, qualitative audios, and other secondary sources.
For quantitative data, you could use data collection approaches such as unstructured interviews and questionnaires. For a mixed-methods approach, you combine both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect your data. If you face any challenges while analyzing your data, you can consider buying data analysis services from our expert at affordable prices.
Ethical Considerations
Ethical issues apply to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research and all stages of research. Your psychology dissertation should be reviewed by the IRB to ensure that the rights of the human participants in your research study are protected. The IRB process assesses the potential for risk, such as physical, psychological, social, economic, or legal harm to participants in a study. You also need to consider the special needs of vulnerable populations such as minors, mentally disabled participants, pregnant women, prisoners, and individuals with AIDS, among others. You then develop an informed consent form for participants to sign before you engage in the research to acknowledge that participants' rights will be protected during data collection.
In the literature of your psychology dissertation, you could consider the published standards or codes of ethics for professionals in your field, for example, Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, written in 2002. If you decide to hire a professional psychology dissertation writer, all the issues relating to ethics will be tackled successfully on your behalf.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Once you have collected the data for your psychology dissertation, prepare the research data for analysis by cleaning and coding the data. In a quantitative psychology dissertation, report the descriptive statistics calculated for observations using the measures of central tendency such as the mean, standard deviation, and range. Test the hypotheses using inferential statistics such as the t-tests, the univariate analysis (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), or the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
When analyzing qualitative data for a psychology dissertation, organize and prepare the data for analysis, read through the data, code the data manually or using a computer, develop the data into themes and descriptions, and describe the relationship between the themes and descriptions.
Once the data has been analyzed, you then interpret the findings considering; the specific research design, the research questions or hypotheses, and the theoretical framework of the study. Report the results obtained after testing the hypotheses and provide the reason for accepting or rejecting the hypotheses. Highlight the findings that approach statistical significance and also identify any contradictions in the findings and give recommendations. Finally, summarize the results of your psychology dissertation in a conclusion statement. The conclusion should draw the generalization of the results to particular people and any implications of the results should be indicated for future research studies.
Once you have fully developed your psychology dissertation, proofread your manuscript, and make any necessary changes. Proofreading will help you identify any problems with your research for example in your wording, in the flow of ideas, and the presentation of your results and help you edit your manuscript before making your presentation. You then disseminate the findings orally by preparing a PowerPoint presentation and presenting it to your audience, or by publishing the results in a journal for distribution. Our psychology dissertation writers will help you to write your dissertation one chapter at a time, edit and proofread it, and ensure it is of publishable quality. Join our chat for prompt assistance.
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