Types of Qualitative Data Analysis Methods for Dissertation/Thesis
Approaches in Qualitative Research Design
If you are a researcher or a student in the process of writing a qualitative dissertation or thesis, this article will provide you with information on the different types of qualitative data analysis methods you can use. Qualitative research involves exploring and seeking to understand the meaning individuals ascribe to a social phenomenon. The main approaches in qualitative research are case studies, phenomenology, biographies, ethnographies, and content analyses.
Qualitative data is collected using methods such as unstructured interviews and open-ended questionnaires, and in some cases, secondary data is used. Once qualitative data has been collected, it is then processed and then analyzed to draw interpretations for the research study. Analysis of qualitative data involves organizing collected data, reading and rereading through the research data, coding the research data manually or using a computer software program such as NVivo, categorizing the coded data into themes, and presenting those themes as descriptions. The various types of qualitative data analysis methods include; thematic analysis, comparative analysis, content analysis, and discourse analysis.
Content Analysis
Content analysis is based on the examination of the data for recurring instances. The data that is examined could be different types of instances such as words, phrases, or the preferred labels for the instances such as themes or the larger units of grouped instances such as categories and organizing themes. The main purpose of content analysis of qualitative data is to describe the instances of collected data by examining who says what, to whom, and with what effect the instances are systematically identified across the set of textual data and grouped through the coding process.
To conduct content analysis, first, read and reread the data to make sense of the whole data. Then select the unit of analysis and decide the analysis of manifest content or latent content. You then create categories through open coding, group the codes under high order headings, and formulate a description of the research topic as an abstract of categories and subcategories is generated. Finally, you report the results through models, categories, conceptual systems and maps, and a storyline.
Thematic Analysis
Thematic analysis involves encoding qualitative information by identifying the themes induced from the research data or themes deducted from theory and earlier research. A theme is a pattern of information that describes and organizes possible observations and interprets aspects of the phenomenon. Thematic analysis provides guidelines about developing techniques to apply to your research. It allows for the qualitative researcher to translate observations and to apply statistical analysis to determine the validity of these themes and code. Thematic analysis can be used descriptively to enhance and clarify results and findings and to communicate them easily.
In a thematic analysis, first, read and reread the transcribed research data and note down the initial ideas. You then generate initial codes for the characters of the data systematically across the data and categorize the codes into themes while classifying all data relevant to each theme. Then review the themes to confirm if they work with the coded data and the whole data to generate a thematic map. Define the specific themes and name them. Finally, select vivid extract examples and carry out the final analysis considering the research question and literature to produce a report. If you do not have enough time to write your own dissertation or thesis, you can hire a qualitative data analyst from our company and you will be impressed by the results.
Comparative Analysis
Comparative analysis involves comparing data from different participants until you are satisfied with no issues arising. First, familiarize yourself with each of the cases you are examining and produce a truth table. A truth table is a table without contradicting configurations while displaying the outcomes on the conditions. The contradicting configurations are outcomes equal to one or zero.
To solve any contradictions, you read and reread your qualitative data while coding until you obtain the least formula. The coding process involves first developing a theory of change and then identifying cases of interest to be studied. You then develop a set of factors and score those factors. Analyze the dataset and interpret the findings. Qualitative comparative analysis allows you to analyze more cases than usual case studies which help to produce a possibility of generalization of results. Remember, we have the best qualitative data analysis services just in case you face challenges analyzing data for your dissertation/thesis.
Discourse Analysis
Discourse analysis examines the aspects and structure of the language being used. This includes the way people talk about a phenomenon, the metaphors they use, and how they take turns in conversations, and so on. Discourse analysis proposes that there is variation in the use of language. Accounts are formulated from a range of descriptive possibilities and then linked to the context they are produced and the functions they perform.
When conducting discourse analysis, you divide longer discourses into parts according to various criteria and then focus on the particular characteristics of each part. You then divide the parts according to who is talking, when a new paragraph arises, when a new topic arises, where the subject ends and predicate begins, and so on. Identify the difference in grammatical patterns between the social superiors and the minority to produce the social inequalities and uncover how discourse disadvantages the less powerless groups.
When considering individual words and phrases, you can use sets of statistics about where particular words are likely to occur and how frequently, and words used close to it to support your objective about how language works or what words are used to mean. You do not have to struggle with analysis for your project, get qualitative professional help for dissertation from us, just join our live chat and we will be glad to assist.
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